So Within, So Without. How The Food We Consume is Fuel.

I have never been really aware of my health and wellness until quite recently. Prior to my newfound knowledge; I only viewed food as food. It didn’t matter to me if the food came from Mcdonald’s, was microwaved in plastic, deep fried, contained lots of unhealthy saturated fats, tons of preservatives, or had an absurd amount of added sugar. All I knew back then, was that the food I chose to consume was only consumed for the basis of satisfying my hunger and cravings. In hindsight, it never actually fueled me. But now, becoming a lot more conscious about nutrition and wellness - there truly is such a big difference between fueling and just feeding your body. Wether that be from the food we’re consuming all the way to the activities we choose to partake in.

My wellness journey began almost a year ago, when the Universe blessed me with meeting Finley. Off the bat, between our deep conversations and getting to know each other, Fin was always so compassionate and knowledgeable about food, wellness and nutrition. She exuded this importance of fueling, paying attention and truly taking care of our bodies. Her lifestyle and her exemplifying this significance created a shift and interest within my own life and wellness routine. Finley is one of my role models and has truly gotten me into such peace, awareness and presence with my body and overall health. So, I have nothing but deep gratitude and love for her.


I wanted to showcase others what Fin has remodeled for me. So, for a week, I asked her to take some photos of her lifestyle and what she does throughout her day in order to fuel her mind, body and soul. Alongside with the photos, below each image is some of Finley’s wisdom and advice!

“There are so many so additives in the things that we are consuming, that really don’t need to be there. So, looking at the specifics of what you’re putting in, really helps you understand what you’re getting out. Even as to why you’re feeling sluggish, tired or under-fueled.”

“Find exercise and movement that you’re genuinely excited to do. Something that doesn’t feel like a chore or a task; and more so of what makes you get that dopamine rush or makes you feel more alive. There’s no right way to move your body - it’s more of getting out there and doing it.

“Just because one person says that something is healthy, doesn’t necessarily mean that it [will] work for you or make you feel healthy. Look at your own individual needs when looking into specifics of what you’re taking in!”

“Be more mindful of the little things that are added into the products you’re consuming (ex: additives and preservatives) that may be marketed as healthy. Our ingredient lists [on the back of packages] shouldn’t be super long! It should be easy to understand and recognizable!”

“It does take time to figure out how to implement your healthy practices every single day; but it [eventually] really does become your lifestyle. It all becomes second nature. But really, in day to day life you become more automatically aware of what feels good for you.”

“There is no key to consistency. There is no magic nor motivation that I use. It’s just finding what you really enjoy and what feels good. Because once you find that… it isn’t hard to keep up with it everyday - because you’ll want to do it. So, once you stop forcing yourself to do workouts you don’t like, stop forcing yourself to eat things you don’t like because someone else said it was good; and really begin tuning into your specific needs, it becomes your life. It doesn’t become a responsibility or a burden - it’s what you get to do to make yourself feel good”

- Finley Colwell


Overall, I really do urge everybody to begin tuning into what makes them feel good and what truly satisfies and fuels your body. We all have our own individual needs; and what specifically work for us for a reason. Our bodies and health are such simple gifts in the World that many of us take for granted. It truly is a privilege to take care, move, and celebrate the bodies that we have. To be attentive and nurturing of ourselves is truly a gift.

If you would love to learn more and delve into this topic I totally recommend following Finley on TikTok for her amazing content:

All my love as always,

Brejette Nepa


The Role Models of The Sustainable Fashion World: Flora Rosa by Soni Bloo